OpenEdition is a research infrastructure at the service of academic communication in the humanities and social sciences.
OpenEdition is a portal that brings together four platforms: OpenEdition Journals, OpenEdition Books, Hypothèses et Calenda. This portal is developed by OpenEdition Center, previously known as the Cléo (Center for Open Electronic Publishing), a "Unité d'Appui et de Recherche" (UAR 2504) under the administrative supervision of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Aix-Marseille University (AMU), the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) and Avignon University, it being understood that AMU is the representative of the contracts concerning OpenEdition.
Previously, the General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter "GTCU") (downloadable at the bottom of the page) were applied to all of the portal's platforms.
Since 2021, OpenEdition has been working to overhaul these GTCU, in collaboration with the CNRS legal services and AMU's research promotion subsidiary (Protisvalor Méditerranée), in order to ensure greater clarity and provide a better framework for its various relationships.
At the end of this overhaul, each platform will have its own GTCU, namely :
- GTCU for contributors (Publishers, Announcers for Calenda) to the platforms and
- GTCU for platform users (readers, internauts).
The current status of the new General Terms and Conditions of Use by platform is as follows:
- Calenda: deployed for Announcers and users;
- OpenEdition Books: deployment of the new OpenEdition Books GTCU for publishers is currently being finalised;
- OpenEdition Journals: drafting finalised and deployment planned for autumn 2024;
- Hypothèses: drafting currently being finalised.
If your organisation has accepted the new GTCU for one of the portal platforms (subject to the acceptance of your application by the Scientific Council), these new GTCU will cancel and replace the provisions relating to this same platform contained in the previous “Conditions générales d’utilisation des plateformes du portail OpenEdition d’OpenEdition Center” ("OpenEdition Center Terms and Conditions of Use : OpenEdition Portal Platforms") previously signed.
If you have any questions regarding the GTCU, please contact us at the following e-mail address: cgu(at)openedition(dot)org.
Downloadable documents
En français : CGU OpenEdition (en vigueur à compter de juillet 2020) (application/pdf – 464k)
In English: TCU OpenEdition (in force as of July 2020) (application/pdf – 350k)