Topographies of Red Memory in Modern China
This page introduces sites of red tourism (红色旅游) in the People's Republic of China in their economic and political function in the transforming Chinese society. It combines biographies of red memory sites in 20th century with geographical data that can be integrated into Palladio. Each entry is complemented with a complete list of research literature in Western and Chinese language, as well as with photos. Being part of a DFG reasearch project at the Friedrich-Alexander-University in Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) the intention of the blog is to make the project's results publicly accessible and to provide a platform for further investigation of these sites.
Marc Matten
Études asiatiques, Histoire et archéologie
Ethnologie, anthropologie, Histoire sociale, Patrimoine, XXe siècle, Chine
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Publication inactive depuis janvier 2022
Informations bibliographiques
Rédacteur(s) en chef
Marc Matten
Année de création
Date de mise en ligne
26 novembre 2019
Langue de la publication
Adresse postale
Topographies of Red Memory in Modern China
Professor Dr. Marc Matten
Professur for Contemporary Chinese History
Institut für Sprachen und Kulturen des Nahen Ostens und Ostasiens
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Artilleriestraße 70
91052 Erlangen
Ville de production